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Vitamins for Your Pet

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If you are pet owner and want to improve your pet's health with vitamins, but don't know where to start then let us help you determine what vitamins are right for your pet. As every pet owner knows, having a healthy pet means a happier pet. Vitamins help regulate your pet's body functions, protect them from environmental toxins, and break down nutrients to help keep them healthy and happy. But, not every vitamin supplement product works the same. Each vitamin product has it's own function to help your four-legged friend stay healthy.
Types of Vitamins
There are two main types of vitamins. There are the fat soluble vitamin such as the Vita-Tabs (on left) that are stored in the liver and fatty tissues. Water soluble are stored in only very small amounts by the body.
Fat Soluble Vitamins
Recommended Vitamins
Signs of Deficiencies that may occur in your pet
Vitamins A
Night blindness, retarded growth, poor quality skin and hair
Vitamins D
Rickets, poor eruption of permanent teeth
Vitamins E
Reproductive failure, brown bowel syndrome
Vitamins K
Increased clotting time and hermorrhage
Water Soluble Vitamins
Recommended Vitamins
Signs of Deficiencies that may occur in your pet
Vitamin C
Slowed healing, increased susceptibility to disease
Vitamin B1
Loss of appetite, loss of reflexes, loss of nerve control, weakness
Vitamin B2
Poor growth, eye abnormalities, heart failure
Vitamin B3
Hair loss, diarrhea, premature graying
Vitamin B6
Anemia, Poor growth, skin lesions
Vitamin B12
Macrocytic anemia
Poor hair, dry skin, diarrhea
Folic Acid
Hypoplasia of bone marrow, marcocytic anemia
Loss of appetite and weight, inflamed gums, hemorrhagic diarrhea
Supplements and your pets
Ensuring that your pet is being well taken care of by the right vitamins is the key to having a healthy pet. Vitamins are needed to ensure normal digestion, reproduction, muscle and bone growth and function, healthy skin and hair, clotting of blood and use of fat, proteins, and carbohydrates in their body.
But always remember to double check the package labels before giving any vitamins to your pets. Here are some qualities that you should watch out for before giving vitamins/minerals supplements to your pets.

Quality Vitamins Products

1. Products containing at least 8 essential vitamins including Vitamin A-B complex, D and E. Vitamins A and E are important antioxidants that help maintain a healthy immune system and should also be included in the supplement.
2. Vitamins and minerals should be in balance with your pet's health.
3. B-Complex and Zinc should come from Brewer's Yeast.
4. Magnesium should come from wheat germ and fish.
5. Calcium should come from non-fat dried milk.
6. Fatty Acids should come from marine sources, such as cod liver oil.
7. Iron should come from natural sources such as liver.

Overdose may occur if you are not sure about how much to give to your pet. Vitamins are good only at a certain amount of dosages a day, too much can be harmful to your pet and can cause serious damage. It is possible to have vitamin toxicity with fat-soluble vitamins, so when choosing a vitamin supplement, make sure to choose with care and that large numbers of different supplements should not be used together unless stated by a veterinarian. Remember to read the label before giving anything to your pet.
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