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Ceva Animal Health

Taking care of a pet involves far more than just feeding it good food and clean water. A pet needs to be washed, exercised, cleaned, trained and cared for in a good home. Part of that care involves using quality tools and products to help a pet fit in and behave correctly as well as stay healthy.

Ceva Sante Animale

produces a line of tools and products for just these purposes.

Ceva Sante Animale produces products and chemicals like




designed to change the way your pet behaves, helping a pet owner encourage good behavior and do away with bad behavior. Whether it's urinating in the wrong places or chewing and scratching due to stress, Ceva’s products can help modify your pet’s bad behaviors and turn them into correct ones.

Ceva operates globally, helping pet owners worldwide with their products. Whether it be in behavior incentives with


or just removing urine smells with


, Ceva Sante Animale is the answer.
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