For the most part, if you are feeding your pet a well-balanced and varied diet, you likely won't need any vitamins or nutritional supplements. However, thanks to the law of individual differences, this isn't always the case. Some cats and dogs just need a little extra boost, and will look to you to provide it.
Vitamins and minerals are in everything your pet eats. Fat-soluble vitamins help bodily systems regulate themselves, assist the liver and kidneys to eliminate toxins and break down nutrients into small bits to be consumed by other cells. They help build strong bones and lithe muscles, aid with digestion and maintain healthy hair and skin. In short, vitamins and minerals are what make your pet physically function.
When there is a deficiency with one of these vitamins or minerals, that's where problems can arise. Senior dogs, for example, don't absorb vitamins, minerals or electrolytes as efficiently and may need an extra supplement in addition to a well-balanced diet. Cats can develop painful arthritis that may require glucosamine and chondroitin supplements to maintain a high quality, mobile life. Senior cats may also suffer feline dementia that may be able to be controlled with foods or supplements fortified with antioxidants.
EntirelyPets' stock of supplements comes in many different forms for all kinds of domesticated animals. Shop our online store for powders, pills, pastes, gels, chews and more.
Always consult with your veterinarian before giving your cat or dog nutritional supplements. If your veterinarian thinks you are already giving your pet a fully balanced diet, or thinks you can make nutritional changes through diet alone, then you may not have any need for a supplement. Unneeded water-soluble vitamins are usually expelled through bodily waste, but high concentrations of fat-soluble vitamins (Vitamins A, D, E, K) could cause health problems or even death if administered too frequently and for too long.