Petosan Silentpower Toothbrush for Large Dogs
Item: PTSN12081
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Puppy Dental Oral KitDouble Headed Brush Small DogsDental Kit Small DogsMicrofiber FingerbrushToothpaste Poultry FlavorSilentpower Toothbrush for Large DogsCart subtotal:
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Customer Reviews
Review Summary
4 Reviews
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25% Recommend this product (1 of 4 responses)
By Lilo
Sevierville, TN
Results not as expected !
July 14, 2015
I have brushed my 9 year old dogs teeth from the age of 5 month on and he is familiar with electric doggie toothbrushes and tolerates them very well.
As experienced as I am with brushing my dogs teeth, there is always those spots that I can't reach, so I thought the double brush toothbrush would be a good idea.
Well in practice is does not work. My dog is spooked by theses big brush heads, bites on them and there is no way that I can move the brush the way it is suppose to happen.
So I decided to go back to the old fashion soft electric tooth brush that I used before.
As experienced as I am with brushing my dogs teeth, there is always those spots that I can't reach, so I thought the double brush toothbrush would be a good idea.
Well in practice is does not work. My dog is spooked by theses big brush heads, bites on them and there is no way that I can move the brush the way it is suppose to happen.
So I decided to go back to the old fashion soft electric tooth brush that I used before.
By Teddy's m.
Pet version of Sonicare
July 1, 2012
If you use a sonic toothbrush for people you already know they are vastly superior to all other toothbrushes on the market for removal of plaque and for prevention/resolution of gingivitis. I started using one years ago after my roommate had to have gum surgery and the surgeon told her to use a Sonicare to avoid needing more surgery in the future. My dentist doesn't even notice that I don't bother to floss! And you can feel a huge difference in how clean your teeth are.
This brush provides the same sonic benefits for your dog or cat. It is quieter than my Sonicare. It has a v-shaped dual head (brushes the outer and inner sides of the tooth simultaneously), angled at 45 degrees to get under your pet's gum line, where the vast majority of dental disease lies.
It is easy to use, because the sound waves do the work. Rather than brushing back and forth, you just slowly move the brush along your pet's teeth.
My dog had very noticeable gingivitis (which is identified by a red edge along the gum line instead of pale pink) when I started using this brush. That visibly improved after a few uses. If I get lazy and skip brushing for a few days his gums start looking inflamed again, but as long as I brush regularly his gums look nice & healthy. This brush can't remove tartar that has already formed (no brush can do that) but it is a lifesaver for gum health.
To get your pet used to this brush, use a tasty pet toothpaste (I use CET enzymatic beef or chicken), and brush without turning the brush on the first few times. Then use it with the power on, for short periods at first and then work your way up. My dog couldn't care less about the vibration, all he cares about is licking that flavor off the brush.
I am baffled by the people who left negative reviews of this brush; they don't seem to realize the value of sonic toothbrushes.
This brush provides the same sonic benefits for your dog or cat. It is quieter than my Sonicare. It has a v-shaped dual head (brushes the outer and inner sides of the tooth simultaneously), angled at 45 degrees to get under your pet's gum line, where the vast majority of dental disease lies.
It is easy to use, because the sound waves do the work. Rather than brushing back and forth, you just slowly move the brush along your pet's teeth.
My dog had very noticeable gingivitis (which is identified by a red edge along the gum line instead of pale pink) when I started using this brush. That visibly improved after a few uses. If I get lazy and skip brushing for a few days his gums start looking inflamed again, but as long as I brush regularly his gums look nice & healthy. This brush can't remove tartar that has already formed (no brush can do that) but it is a lifesaver for gum health.
To get your pet used to this brush, use a tasty pet toothpaste (I use CET enzymatic beef or chicken), and brush without turning the brush on the first few times. Then use it with the power on, for short periods at first and then work your way up. My dog couldn't care less about the vibration, all he cares about is licking that flavor off the brush.
I am baffled by the people who left negative reviews of this brush; they don't seem to realize the value of sonic toothbrushes.
By morgue
Nearly Useless
June 24, 2012
Only works on molars. Doesn't work on rest of the teeth...
The sonic-ness may or may not work; it's hard to tell when the bristles don't conform to the teeth and the forked section just gets in the way.
The sonic-ness may or may not work; it's hard to tell when the bristles don't conform to the teeth and the forked section just gets in the way.
By Aristotle
Dual brush head is good but the power is useless
April 18, 2012
While the design of the dual brush head is nice and works well, the vibration adds nothing and my dog balked when I turned it on -- tried it three times and gave up. Buy the regular non-powered brush - that works well and makes brushing easier since it hits two surfaces at the same time.