PetAction Flea & Tick Collar for Large Dogs (3-PACK)

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PetAction Flea & Tick Collar for Large Dogs (3-PACK)

Item: 960021030001PK3
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Large Dogs
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PetAction Flea & Tick Collar provides season long control against fleas and ticks that transmit harmful diseases to dogs. PetAction® Flea & Tick Collar is weatherproof, waterproof, and long lasting. Take action with PetAction® Flea & Tick Collar.

Fleas & Ticks can be a problem throughout most of the United States. For warmer areas of the country, fleas and ticks can pose more of a year-round problem for dogs and cats. For areas with cold winters, dogs and cats may have a few months of respite each year.


Active Ingredients:
Deltamethrin 4.0%
Other Ingredients 96.0%
Total 100.0%

Useful Information

It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.

Read the entire label befor eeach use. Use only on dogs 12 weeks and older.

Do not open package until ready to use. Dust forms on collar during storage. Do not get dust in mouth or eyes. Remove collar from package and stretch to full length. The tabs that held the collar in place will fall off when stretching; pull on any remaining tabs to remove them. Wipe collar with a damp paper towel or disposable cloth prior to applying, to remove dust on collar. Place collar around dog’s neck; adjust for fit by sliding the collar through the buckle and restraining loops. Cut off and dispose of any excess length by wrapping in newspaper and placing in trash. Wash hands after placing collar on dog. The collar must be worn loosely to allow for growth of the dog and to permit the collar to move about the neck. Generally, a properly fitted collar is one that when fastened, will snugly slide over the dog’s head. Maximum effectiveness may not occur for 2-3 weeks after collar placement. Water does not affect the collar’s effectiveness or the pet’s protection. If the dog goes swimming or is out in the rain, it is not necessary to remove the collar. PetAction™ 6 Month Collar may be used in addition to a lead or constraint collar. Use only one PetAction® 6 Month Collar at a time. Collar should be worn continuously. Apply a new collar every 6 months.

Fleas And Ticks are Found Nationwide Fleas and ticks can pose a frustrating problem throughout most of the United States. While certain areas of the country have cold winters that offer a few months of reprieve, in warmer areas of the country, fleas and ticks can be a year-long concern. Fleas and ticks thrive in warm, humid environments. These small pests can pose health concerns for both you and your pets. Unseasonably warm winters can explode flea and tick populations in your home and surrounding areas. We have a seasonal chart to show you what the typical flea & tick season looks like where you live.

What are the Health Concerns for my Cat or Dog?

Fleas are associated with a number of health concerns for your pet. They can transmit tapeworms and cause allergy driven dermatitis, a common dog and cat skin disease. If left untreated, pets exposed to fleas can develop anemia, or a low red blood cell count. Symptoms of anemia are pale skin, chills, weariness, shortness of breath and heart disease. Anemic pets may demonstrate strange behaviors such as eating ice, clay, or dirt.

Ticks are found throughout the United States and are notorious for transmitting Lyme disease. They also can transmit Rocky Mountain spotted fever, ehrlichiosis, tularemia and canine tick paralysis. Ticks can be found year round, but are most active in spring, summer and fall months. They thrive in warm, humid areas and are most prevalent in the spring when temperatures start to rise. Mild and wet winters tend to cause higher tick infestations.

    How Do I Check My Pet for Fleas?
    1. Using a fine-toothed metal flea comb, run the comb along your pet’s back or stomach, making sure the edge of the comb comes in contact with your pet’s skin.

    2. The comb will screen fleas and ticks from your pet’s coat. Put the fleas immediately in a bowl of soapy water to drown them.

    3. Try brushing or rubbing your pet’s coat while he or she is standing on a white sheet or towel. Watch the sheet or towel carefully for small, black specks that might be fleas or “flea dirt” (flea feces). Flea dirt is generally black and comma-shaped. If moistened and rubbed lightly, flea dirt will leave a brownish-red stain.

    4. If you have not found any trace of fleas, but your pet continues to scratch, consider taking your pet to the veterinarian for a professional checkup.

    How Do I Check My Pet for Ticks?
    1. Ticks prefer attaching close to the pet’s head, neck or stomach. They can be as small as a pinhead and very hard to see.

    2. Start at your pet’s head. Look around the whisker area, the snout and the ears, including inside.

    3. Next, examine the stomach, back, paws, between toes, and the tail.

    4. Gently comb the hair. If you encounter a snag, be careful as it may be a tick. Do not attempt to remove a tick with the comb as typically the head will leave tick pieces in the animal’s skin.

    5. Each month, apply PetAction® Plus to kill and repel all stages of ticks: larva, nymph, and adult.

What Kind of Ticks Can Be Found WHere I Live? The Brown Dog Tick is found in every state in the U.S. Other ticks are more regional. The American Dog Tick is found in all states from Texas and North Dakota east to the Atlantic Ocean, and along the California Coast. Rocky Mountain ticks have the highest concentrations in Rocky Mountain states and in the Pacific Northwest. This species of tick is most commonly associated with passing along disease to humans such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever and tularemia. Other species include the Black Legged Tick, the Gulf Coast Tick, and the Lone Star Tick.

What Do I Do if My Pet Has Fleas and/or Ticks?
1. Each month, treat your dog with PetAction® Plus to kill existing fleas and ticks for up to four weeks. PetAction® Plus is fast-acting, long-lasting and waterproof. In addition to killing fleas and ticks, it kills chewing lice, and aids in the control of mange mites. PetAction® Plus has the same active ingredients as the leading fipronil-based brand and will help control flea re-infestation on your dog for up to three months.

2. Wash your pet’s bedding in very hot water, or replace it. If you suspect that you have a flea infestation in your home, it’s advisable to treat your home by vacuuming carpets and upholstery (throw away vacuum bag or clean vacuum cup with soap and water), and treating infested areas with a pesticide spray. Consult your veterinarian for specific suggestions for your particular situation.

3. Treat your yard by cutting down tall brush and grass near the home and dog run. This helps cut down your pet’s exposure to fleas and ticks.

Why Do I Need a Product That Kills Flea Eggs and Larvae Too?
1. Believe it or not, only 5% of the total flea population are adults. The other 95% are flea eggs, larvae, and pupae waiting to become reproducing adults. So a product that doesn’t completely break the flea cycle is asking for trouble. Before long, those flea eggs and larvae become adults, and it only takes two fleas to lay hundreds of flea eggs in a matter of days.

2. PetAction® Plus kills adult fleas, kills newly emerged fleas before they lay eggs, and because it prevents all flea stages (eggs, larvae, pupae) from developing, it controls flea re-infestation for up to three months. This doesn’t mean that you should only apply the product to your pet every three months. Best product results are achieved when the product is applied monthly and throughout the year.

3. This diagram illustrates the four main stages of the flea life cycle.

First Aid:
If Swallowed: Call a poison control center or doctor immediately for treatment advice. Have person sip a glass of water if able to swallow. Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by a poison control center or doctor. Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.

IF ON SKIN OR CLOTHING: Take off contaminated clothing. Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15 – 20 minutes. Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.

IF IN EYES: Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15 – 20 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing eye. Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.

HOTLINE NUMBER: Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center, doctor or going for treatment. You may contact us at 1-855-844-4375 for emergency medical treatment information.


Do not open package containing collar until ready to use. Do not let children play with this collar.

Harmful if swallowed or absorbed through skin.

Causes moderate eye irritation. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, or clothing.

Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling.

Do not use on puppies under 12 weeks. Do not use on cats. Consult a veterinarian before using this product on debilitated, aged, pregnant, medicated or nursing animals. Sensitivities may occur after using ANY pesticide products for pets. If signs of sensitivity occur, remove collar and bathe your dog with mild soap and rinse with large amounts of water. If signs continue, consult a veterinarian immediately.


Customer Reviews

Review Summary
2 Reviews
50% (1)
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50% (1)
50% Recommend this product (1 of 2 responses)
By Nunya
Didn't work
July 31, 2018
One week after 6 month collar went on she was covered with fleas.
  • Didn't work.
By Mary
best product ever
July 4, 2017
the collars are working very well on our dogs even that we live on highly infested flea area.

Questions and Answers

PetAction Flea & Tick Collar for Large DogsPetAction Flea & Tick Collar for Large DogsReg price: $32.99
Sale price: $24.99
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