Catego for Cats +1.5 lbs 3-pack

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  6. Catego for Cats +1.5 lbs 3-pack


Catego for Cats +1.5 lbs 3-pack

Item: C062843
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Compare to: $51.99
You Save: $12.00!(23%)


Ceva Catego For Cats is a quick and easy way to get rid of pesky fleas, ticks, and lice that are biting your cat. This monthly topical treatment relieves your feline of harmful parasites and keeps them protected from future infestations! The patented applicator makes it easy to apply the quick-drying formula for fast relief. You'll never have to worry about itching and scratching ever again!

  • Topical flea, ticks, and chewing lice treatment for cats
  • Kills adult fleas, eggs, larvae, ticks and chewing lice
  • Kills fleas within 6 hours
  • Kills ticks through contact so they do not have to bite to die
  • Protection lasts a full month with one application
  • Quick-drying
  • Non-greasy
  • Easy to apply spot-on patented applicator
  • For both indoor and outdoor cats and kittens over 1.5 pounds and over 8 weeks of age
  • Ingredients

    Active Ingredients:
    Dinotefuran - 22.00%
    Fipronil - 8.92%
    Pyriproxyfen - 3.00%
    Other ingredients - 66.08%

    Useful Information

    Before You Apply:
    Before applying Catego, please thoroughly reveiw the instructions for opening the product and applying it to your cat or kitten.

    How To Open:
    1. Separate one unit from the others.
    2. Cut on both dotted lines with scissors.
    3. Open plastic lid.
    4. Remove tube.

    How To Apply:
    1. Remove the applicator tube from package.
    2. The cat should be standing or in a comfortable position for easy application.
    3. Holding the applicator upright, pointing away from your face, place your thumb and index finger around the applicator tip under the large disk. With the other hand, grasp the stem of the applicator tip above the small disk. Press down firmly on the small disk until both disks meet, piercing the seal.
    4. Part the hair down to the level of the skin and slowly apply the product at the base of the cat or kitten’s head until the applicator tube is completely empty, as shown in the diagram below. Avoid superficial application to the cat’s hair. Do not get the product in your cat’s eyes or mouth.
    5. Discard the empty applicator tube as outlined in the Storage and Disposal section.
    6. Repeat every month, or as recommended by your veterinarian.
    7. For optimal treatment, control and prevention of adult fleas, flea eggs, flea larvae, ticks and chewing lice year-round treatment is recommended.

    Storage & Disposal:
    Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage and disposal.
    PESTICIDE STORAGE: Store in a cool, dry place. Protect from freezing.
    PESTICIDE DISPOSAL AND CONTAINER DISPOSAL: Non-refillable container. Do not reuse or refill this container.
    If empty: Place in trash or offer for recycling, if available.
    If partially filled: call your local solid waste agency for disposal instructions. Never place unused product down any indoor or outdoor drain.

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