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How To Train Your Pet

How long should it take to house train a Pet? It depends on several factors: your dedication, and the time you are willing to put into the training process. Other important factors include your pets maturity and intelligence. It has been proven that training is more effective when the pet is rewarded for good behavior.

It is important to establish a living area for the pet as soon as you bring the pet into your home. While the pet is getting to know its new environment, it is smart to give the new family member a small space of its own.

Training can begin as early as seven weeks of age. There are many ways to train your pet the right way:

Pet Behavior & Obedience Guide

A variety of training and behavior modification devices are available. When used as part of a broad plan, such products can be very useful for pet owners. But remember, they are only tools to help change your pet's behavior and will not train the pet themselves.

It's helpful, however, to keep in mind that behaviors can be interrupted and redirected by products that are particularly pleasant and painful for your dog or cat. Whatever method you use to train your dog or cat, it is important to reward your companion for doing things that you approve. Rewards might be given for sitting, walking calmly on a leash, being quiet for a while, greeting you without jumping, or for cats, staying off counters.

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Conventional buckle collars are fine for dogs or puppies that don't pull while walking a on lead. Several styles of head collar are available, each varying slightly in design. Collars offer greater control without the danger of choking. Also, their escape-proof design reduces coat damage and can easily be adjusted as your pet grows.

These devices are more useful to the average pet owner and less unpleasant for the average dog than the often-misused choke or prong collars.

Tazlab Safe-T-Stretch Collar
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Anxiety-based barking should first be addressed by treating the source e.g. separation anxiety of your dog's distress. When barking is a symptom of anxiety, an anti-bark collar may have the desired effect. Such collars work by sensing the bark and causing some unpleasant effect, such as an audible signal (clicking or buzzing) or electrical stimulation (shock). Another effective alternative that has recently been introduced into the pet market is a collar that briefly emits a spray of citronella oil. This collar surprises the dog, but will not hurt them.
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Unwanted behavior is most effectively corrected at the moment it occurs. When problems occur at a distance, for example in the backyard, it's often hard for the handler to correct the behavior. A remote-control interruption device can help achieve this aim. Such a device is typically applied to the pet's collar and is controlled by the handler, who's standing a distance away. The appliance works by emitting a stimulus that distracts or punishes the pet. The stimulus is a burst of citronella spray that will interrupt the current bad behavior so the owner can direct the dog's attention to a new command, such as the "come" command.
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Sale Price: $189.99

If your dog or cat misbehaves in specific locations in your absence it may be useful to set a "booby trap" to consistently remind your pet that these locations are off-limits. Some common uses for these reminders are keeping pets off sofas, out of trash cans and off of kitchen counters. Indoor containment systems, such as the citronella-spraying Spray Barrier can effectively keep your dog or cat out of a specified area of your home.
Sale Price: $69.99
Sale Price: $29.99
Sale Price: $34.99

To occupy the interests of a pet who might otherwise get into mischief with digging, scratching, barking or some other unwanted behavior, consider the use of a food-filled toy. Arrange for the food contained in them to be a challenge to extract so that your pet is kept busy for hours trying to get the food out. Freezing goopy food (peanut butter or spay cheese) inside the food puzzle has this effect. Such products work best if they're kept out of sight until needed. Examples include: Kong; Nylabone toys; and Triple Crown.

It is important to keep an open mind when training your pets. Modifying his behavior may be a challenge at first, but with a little patience, perseverance, and love, you can bet that the process will be successful in the end!

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Starting Price: $1.45
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It is very important to reward your pet for job well done. There are many different ways to reward your pet, such as treats, gifts, taking your pet to a park, etc. Training your pet with positive reinforcement will strengthen your pets training and motivate your pet to do his best.
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