Top 3 Pet Diseases And Important Signs To Look For
1. Ear Infections : Ear Infections, or Otitis Externa, is the inflammation of the outer ear canal. It is one of the most common conditions we see in pets. It affects about 20% of the dog population.
What are the signs of ear infections?
- Scratching or rubbing of the ears and head
- Head shaking
- An abnormal odor or discharge from the ear
- Pain when you manipulate the ear
- Redness or swelling of the ear flap or canal
- Changes in behavior such as depression or irritability
What are some causes of ear infections?
- Parasites
- Trauma
- Micro-organisms – Bacteria and yeast
- Allergies
Infections are caused by fungus, bacteria or parasites. Laboratory tests can help to determine which of these is the cause of your pet’s ear infection. Some dogs are predisposed to otitis externa. Included are those with genetic predispositions to abnormal ear canals, such as the Chinese shar-pei; breeds with hair in the ears like poodles and terriers; or outside and working dogs that are exposed to water or foreign bodies.
Because there are many potential causes of ear problems, we cannot say it is mainly due to a bacterial infection and antibiotics alone would not do the trick. Often, more work is needed. Your veterinarian can use an otoscope to look down into the ear canal and determine the amount of inflammation present.
Products Available:
Otiderm Ear Cleanser (8 oz) | Zymox (1.25oz) Hydrocortisone Free | "DermaPet" TrizEDTA Aqueous Flush (4oz) |
What are the signs of stomach inflammations?
- Vomit
- Becoming Lethargic
- Temperature above the normal 101.5 degrees
- Diarrhea
- Weakness
- Weight loss
- Melena (black tarry stool representative of digested blood)
- Loss of appetite
What are some causes of stomach inflammations?
- Infectious agents (viral, bacterial, parasitic)
- Ingestion of chemical irritants or toxins (fertilizers, cleaning agents, lead)
- Dietary intolerance or allergy
- Drugs/medication (aspirin, antibiotics, steroids)
- Dietary indiscretion (ingestion of spoiled food, foreign bodies, plant material, hair or overeating)
- Shock or sepsis (systemic infection)
Many cases of acute gastritis are short lived and can be resolved easily. For severe cases, veterinary attention should be sought. A dog with a mild, upset stomach can benefit from a gastric coating of soothing preparations such as Pepto-Bismol. Generally, it is best to withhold food, but not water. Withholding food will allow the stomach to rest. Bland diets such as chicken and rice can be fed once the stomach has settled down. Rather than allowing the animal to drink a lot at one time, water should be given often and in small amounts.
The primary recommendation is to withhold all food and water until contacting your veterinarian. Administer medication and diet only as directed by your veterinarian and observe your dog very closely. If conditions does not improve or worsens, have your dog evaluated at once.
Products Available:
HomeoPet Digestive Upset (15mL) | PetZorb Liquid Lifter (4.6 oz, 142g) | Dr. Kruger's Original Formula |
What are some signs of skin irritations?
- Scratching, licking, chewing or biting the skin, feet and ears
- Red, raised, scaly areas on the skin
- Bumps, crusts or pus filled vesicles on the skin
- Increased skin pigmentation
- Thickened skin
- Loss of hair
- Salivary staining (brown color)
- Head shaking
The most common classes of allergic dermatitis seen in dogs are:
- Flea bite allergy
- Food allergy
- Atopy – an allergic condition caused by inhaled allergens, or absorption of allergens through the skin
Depending on the type allergy diagnosed, your veterinarian may prescribe treatment. But there are some products you can use to prevent some skin irritations.
Products Available:
NEW! Vita-Soothe Aloe & Oatmeal Shampoo For Dogs and Cats (17 oz) | Malaseb SPRAY (8 oz) | HomeoPet Skin and Itch Relief (15mL) |
1. Urinary tract infection : Feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) affects the cats urinary bladder and sometimes urethra ( the tube-like structure that leads from the bladder to the outside of the body). FLUTD is a serious disease and if left untreated, can result in death. Some cats with FLUTD develop crystals in their urine. In the male cat, these crystals can block his urethra preventing him from urinating even though the bladder still fills. Sometimes, a plug can form and also block the urethra.
What are some signs of FLUTD?
Prolonged squatting or straining in or out of the litter box (some owners may confuse this with signs of constipation) and not producing urine or only a small amount.
- Blood in the urine
- Frequent urination or straining
- Pain while urinating (meowing or howling)
- Urinating outside of the litter box
- Frequent licking of the genital area
- Vomiting
- Depression
What are some causes of FLUTD?
Several factors can contribute to this disease including bacterial or viral infections, trauma, crystals in the urine, bladder stones, tumors of the urinary tract, and ongenital abnormalities. In many cases, the cause is never discovered. Factors that may contribute to development of FLUTD include:
- Lack of water
- Stress
- Diet is high in magnesium or other minerals
- Too much acidity or alkalinity of the urine
A veterinarian will perform a physical exam on the cat. Most cats can be treated successfully if the condition is diagnosed early. Remember that this is a very serious disease and your veterinarian's advice must be strictly followed. Cats who are obstructed can become very ill, may develop irreversible kidney damage, and may not all survive. It is imperative that if you suspect your cat of having a urinary obstruction, contact your veterinarian immediately. Several hours can mean the difference between a successful outcome or a long hospitalization and sometimes even death.
Products Available:
Vetri-Science UT Strength for Cats (60 Tabs | HomeoPet Leaks No More (15mL) | Kitty Kaviar (1/2 oz) |
What are the signs of kidney disease?
- Weakness
- Vomiting
- Bad breath
- Increased thirst/excessive drinking
- Lethargy
- Increased urination (sometimes noted as pet using the litter box more frequently, urinating in abnormal places in the house or increased weight of the litter box)
- Lack of coordination when walking
- Depression
- Anorexia
What are some causes of kidney disease?
- Abnormal filtration of blood and retention of waste materials
- Disturbance of fluid, electrolyte and acid-base balance
- Failure of hormone production (including substances that stimulate the production of red blood cells [erythropoeitin])
Chronic Renal (Kidney) Failure can be caused by several different reasons. These may include secondary diseases or trauma. These may include:
- Poor blood flow and lack of oxygen (ischemia)
- Inflammatory disease
- Infections
- Cancer (neoplasia)
- Immune system abnormalities
- Toxins
Products Available:
NEW! Epakitin for Dogs and Cats (50 gm) | Vetri-Science Renal Essentials For Cats (60 Tabs) |
Two Types of Diabetes
There are two basic forms of diabetes: type I and type II. Absolute deficiency of insulin leads to type I diabetes. This is due to an insufficient number of insulin-producing pancreas cells. Type I diabetes, often called “juvenile-onset diabetes” in people, represents the most serious form of the disease. Effective treatment for type I diabetes requires a combination of controlled diet, regular exercise and insulin therapy. Cats are most often affected by type I diabetes but some may have type II. People and pets with type I diabetes require daily injections of insulin to maintain a regular blood-sugar level.
What are some of the Symptoms ?
Among the notable symptoms of diabetes in pets are increased thirst and urination. Most pet owners notice that their diabetic cat drinks excessively and has a need to use the litter box more often. Left uncontrolled, diabetes can become life threatening.
The first step in treating the disease is getting a correct diagnosis. This requires a veterinary examination and appropriate tests, such as a urinalysis (to detect spilled “sugar”) and blood glucose determination. Additional tests often are needed to assess the overall medical situation. Once the diagnosis is made; however, the pet owner and veterinarian can work together to effectively control diabetes mellitus.
Products Available:
Cat Attract (20 oz) | Urine-Off Odor & Stain Remover FOR CATS (500 ml) |