1. Get to know your dog’s coat!
The key to successful deshedding is using the proper tools for your dog’s coat. The easiest way to begin is to work the entire coat with one tool and then move onto the next tool. Working in a section or a line will ensure you are covering all of the territory. You will need to make sure you get all the way down to the skin, between the legs and in the armpits. If you only do surface work, the coat underneath will still get matted and might have to be shaved off to remove the matting.
2. Avoid damage to your pet’s coat
When using deshedders and carding tools, you will want to gently stretch the skin making taught, long gentle strokes so as not to damage your pet’s coat. Be careful with deshedders, carding and dematting tools in thin-skinned areas such as behind the ears, on the throat, by the ankles and in the lion area.
3. Brush first!
Always start by using the brush type tools first, and follow up with the deshedder and combs. The brush type tools such as slickers and stiff pin brushes will get through the mass of the coat, removing debris, tangles and undercoat, but will mostly loose up the coat for the next tool. The undercoat rake, rubber curry brushes, carding tools and deshedder types will aid in removing most of the dead undercoat. The combs will finish the job by removing loose tangles and the rest of the undercoat still hanging around.

Longer coats: ex: Collie, Bernese Mountain Dog, Newfoundland, Shetland Sheepdog
Brushes: Slicker brushes, Stiff pin brushes, Undercoat rakes, Deshedders
Matt removal: Dematting rake, small dematting tool, clippers
Combs: Staggered tooth comb, or coarse to fine tooth comb. Combs should be metal.
2. Avoid damage to your pet’s coat
You and your dog will absolutely love San Diego, there is just so much to see and do. It is extremely dog friendly and there are 67 pet friendly hotels there.
If your dog loves going to the beach then you’re in luck as there are three of them here including Fiesta Island Off leash Dog Park, The Original Dog Beach and Capehart Dog Park. San Diego also has 9 hiking trails for dogs, where you and your dog can enjoy the stunning scenery and there are also 19 dog parks in San Diego. San Diego really does have everything covered when it comes to dogs, and your dog is sure to love it there.

Medium coats: ex: Most German Shepard Dogs, Golden Retrievers, Siberian Huskies
Brushes: Slicker brushes, Stiff pin brushes, Undercoat rakes, Deshedders, rubber curry type brushes, carding tools (to be used on shorter coated areas)
Matt removal: Dematting rake, small dematting tool, clippers
Combs: Coarse to fine. Combs should be metal.

Short coats: ex: Labrador Retriever, Beagle, Pugs.
Brushes: Slicker brushes, Rubber curry type brushes, Deshedder, Carding tools
Combs: Fine to extra fine, or Flea combs. Combs should be metal.
Combs: Coarse to fine. Combs should be metal.

A few extra tips:
The better quality diet you feed your dog, the less coat they will shed all over your house. To maintain those shedding coats, coat maintenance should be done weekly. Go Green! Brushing your pet outside or disposing of the undercoat outdoors will provide nesting for animals such as birds and squirrels!