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All-Time Best Tear Stain Removers

Over the years, a variety of tear stain removers have been featured. Here are top 3 best sellers that have stood the test of time, rigorous scientific research, veterinarian's reviews, and testimonials from millions of pet owners. While each brand is effective, they have subtle differences that make them special.
Angel EyesBuy Now Angel Eyes
Angels' Eyes is a customer favorite and is the first product specifically developed for both dogs and cats to remove tear stains from the inside out. Angels' eyes also helps to eliminate staining around the mouth & coats due to licking. Angel's Eyes starts working before the tear stains begin & never adds food dyes or wheat which can have negative effects on your pet. Ingredients are products of the USA. Help your pet’s eyes by ordering Angel's Eyes. It is like an Angel in disguise!!

Major Ingredients: 100% pure chicken liver, tylosin as tartrate
Customer Review:
Name: Sheila
Date: March 9, 2010
Breed: Shihtzu/Bichon

My poor little Bailey had terrible staining around his eyes. His eyes constantly teared. My groomer suggested Angel Eyes almost a year ago and I never followed up on her suggestion. A few weeks ago she reminded me of this product. I finally ordered it. I feel bad that I let him suffer so long with this problem. Within a week I could see the difference. The stains are practically gone. I've just reorder some of the chicken and beef flavor. He loves it on his regular food. Thanks for this wonderful product
  OptimexBuy Now
Optimex Anti-Tear Stain is customer approved and designed to eliminate under eye tear stains, and staining around the mouth and feet. It reduces the staining by activating your pet's natural immunity against stain causing bacteria.

The Optimex formula is made with the highest grade ingredients including Argentine grass fed beef. Veterinarian recommended for a healthy immune system.

Major Ingredients: Beef Liver Powder (Argentine, Low Heat, Desiccated) from healthy grass fed and steroid-free Argentine beef; Active ingredient: Tylosin as Tartrate BP (Veterinary use) up to 692,000 units/tsp.
Customer Review:
Name: ccg
Date: November 16, 2010
Breed: caliver king charles spaniel

It does what they advertise, it's the best quickest tear ,mouth stain remover on the market,
love it
Diamond Eye
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Angel Eyes
Diamond Eye by Vitacoat is a proven solution and used extensively by pet owners and will remove those stubborn unsightly stains around the eyes and other parts of the coat. Diamond Eye is suitable for all breeds and 100% safe for your dog.

Vitacoat has been known to the breeder professional and exhibitor throughout the world for over 40 years as the range of quality shampoos and grooming preparations that ensure that the coats of show dogs and pet dogs are always in tiptop condition. Repeated use will help to prevent those unsightly marks and stains around the eyes from forming.

Major Ingredients: Zinc Sulfate, Boric Acid, Camphor Flowers, Benzylalkonium Chloride
Customer Review:
Name: ekeaton
Date: September 18, 2010
Breed: persian cat/ maltese dog

I have a white persian kitten and maltese. My persians eyes where so stained when I bought him. 2 weeks later and the stains are almost gone. It's truly a drastic improvement.

Value Packs
2-Pack Optimex
Anti-Tear Stain (2.2 oz)
Optimex 2 Pack 2 oz
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2-Pack Optimex
Anti-Tear Stain (8 oz)
Optimex 2 Pack 8 oz
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3-Pack Optimex
Anti-Tear Stain (3.3 oz)
Optimex 3 Pack 3.3 oz
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3-Pack Angels Eyes
Beef Flavor (90 gm)
Angels Eyes 90 gm
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3-Pack Angels Eyes
Beef Flavor (720 gm)
Angels Eyes 720 gm
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3-Pack Angels Eyes
for Cats (90 gm)
Angels Eyes for Cats
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Please check out our complete line of Tear Stainer Remover products
All-Time Best Tear Stain Removers
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