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Why Banning Pets in the Office Could Get Your Company Fired

Why Banning Pets in the Office
             Could Get Your Company Fired

A 2008 survey by the American Pet Products Association (APPA) shows that 17% of American adults reported that their place of employment allowed pets in the office. Since then, a 2012 APPA survey showed that on average, there was a 29% increase in the number of times dog owners brought their dog to work.

Here at EntirelyPets, employees find themselves among this growing minority, enjoying the presence of our furry friends here at the office. I have seen the benefits of pets in the workplace first-hand- and let me tell you, there are plenty.

Good for the Heart and Good for the Wallet

Google, Amazon, Autodesk and The BBC are only a few of the multi-million dollar companies that allow pets at the work place and Google even has its own company dogs! Pets are also welcome on the set of the two-time Emmy award-winning show, The Colbert Report. According to executive producer Tom Purcell, the set of the massively successful satirical news show welcomes dogs into the office and they’re even known to bark at Stephen when he’s in character.

If the names alone aren’t enough to sway you, consider that pets have the added benefit of reducing stress for employees. It can be a huge relief for pet owners to enjoy the company of their beloved companion and know that they are safe and happy instead of at home alone.

Furthermore, a study done by the Virginia Commonweatlth University shows that employees who bring their dogs to work produced lower levels of cortisol, a hormone released in response to stress that can lead to hyperglycemia and other health problems. If that’s not enough reason for your company to invite furry companions then how about appealing to their financial interests.

The same 2008 APPMA survey cited earlier found that 34 million people who bring their pets to the workplace work longer hours. Additionally, it found that more than 45 million people believe that having pets in the office facilitates productivity and leads to a more creative environment. Not to mention that the increased health of their employees can save them healthcare costs if they offer medical benefits to their employees.

Good for Pets and Potential Pets

According to The Humane Society, allowing pets in the workplace drives pet adoptions. Wayne Pacelle is the CEO of The Humane Society, which allows pets at their place of work, and is an advocate for allowing animals in the office. "[Employees] save on pet-sitting costs or dog-walking services, [they] don’t have to rush right home after work to let the dog out- and it’s calming," Pacelle stated in an interview with Daily News America.

"Frankly, if more employers [allowed pets in the workplace], more people would choose to have pets in their lives and that would solve this societal problem of euthanasia and not enough adoptions." Pacelle’s comments are not unwarranted. As the Yale graduate has noted, offices that allow pets reduce costs of owning pets, allow for greater pet care, and reduce stress for pet owners.

Integrating Pets

Most work places that allow dogs in the office tend to have a strict set of guidelines that dictate their pet policy. The policies are generally both simple and reasonable, requiring that pets are well-mannered and trained to prevent unpleasant “accidents”. From there, they may vary on how many incidents are allowed before a particular pet is asked to stay home.

Most work places that allow dogs in the office tend to have a strict set of guidelines that dictate their pet policy. The policies are generally both simple and reasonable, requiring that pets are well-mannered and trained to prevent unpleasant “accidents”. From there, they may vary on how many incidents are allowed before a particular pet is asked to stay home.

So, now that you see how pet’s can benefit a workplace and pet owners- do you think that a pet-friendly policy is appropriate for your company? Or, if your company already allows pets, do you think it really does lead to increased productivity and creativity in the workplace? Leave a comment below to let us know!

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