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How To Deal with Pet Aggression

Dogs & Dogs
Aggression between dogs can stem from many things. Scent, fear, toys, food, owners, etc... the first step in helping your pet become less aggressive is to understand why they are acting the way they do. If your dog is not well-trained, aggression can lead to many problems. Make sure that your dog is trained and socialized well from the beginning to avoid possible fights and injuries. Take your dog to a behavior specialist if the aggression is not towards just one but all dogs. This could be a signal that there is something wrong with your pet. If there is only one dog that your pup can't stand, avoid taking him near that animal. It could be the scent of the other animal that makes your dog fear it or think it's an enemy.

Cats & Cats
Much like dogs, there are many reasons why cats are overly aggressive towards other cats. Some owners think that two females are less likely to fight than males, however this is not true. Both male and female cats fight about territory, which they mark with their pheromones. Both sexes give off pheromones in their feces and natural odor, male cats also spray urine to mark their territory. To prevent fighting, it's possible to mask the scent with products like Feliway, a pheromone-based formula that duplicates the scent of a cat's natural scent glands.


Dogs & Cats

"Fighting like cats and dogs" isn't just an expression, it's a true fact! As mentioned earlier, cats do not like having other animals or pets in their territory, despite being naturally curious (hence the term "curious as a cat"). If a new dog enters their territory, they're likely to get into a fight unless the cat is docile and laid back. In this case it may be necessary to keep the dog separated from the cat's space to prevent fighting.

Dealing with Pet Aggression

Aggression among pets can be dangerous as they can pose risks to you and your family members. Whether the aggression stems from food or territory, you the owner must take the initiative to make sure your pet and family are safe. Here are some guidelines to help make your home a hospitable place for everyone.

1.) Don't punish: it is strongly recommended to never punish your dog as their aggression often originates from fear. Territorial, possessive, or protective aggression responded with punishment leads to defensive aggression.

2.) Medical causes: check with your veterinarian for medically caused aggression.

3.) Specialists: animal behavior specialists are professionals that offer hands-on help dealing with aggressive pets.

4.) Precautions: if you cannot bring your dog to a behavior specialist, use methods to keep those within contact of your pet safe. Cage-type muzzles can be used if your pet needs to go out in public. Bear in mind that some dogs are intelligent enough to remove a muzzle on their own.

5.) Aggression catalysts: avoid situations where your dog is likely to become aggressive. Keeping your dog in a safe room and limiting contact with people is advised.

6.) Spaying/neutering: intact dogs are more likely to show aggressive dominant, territorial and protective behavior. If there's doubt in your mind dealing with your pet's aggressive behavior, consult a professional immediately. A pet should never become a nuisance; a pet should make your home a better place.

Recommended Products:
Many pet supply manufacturers create products that deal with aggressive pets. We recommend these items to help retrain and rehabilitate your pet back into a loving member of the family.

, Relax-UM, and Tranquil Tabs are natural food additives/supplements that help relax your dog or cat during times of aggression, hyperactivity or frightening situations.

Spray Shield (Formerly known as Direct Stop) is the pet equivalent of pepper spray for humans but with many differences. Unlike pepper spray, Spray Shield does not cause pain to pets and will not incapacitate the user or onlookers if it comes into contact with the eyes.

The Premier Gentle Leader Calming Cap is an all-purpose behavior management aid that helps reduce a dog's aggression or anxiety during high-stress situations. The cap was originally developed to ease dog hyperactivity when traveling in cars.

Feliway for cats helps control urination problems, something mentioned earlier with male cats using their urine to mark their territory.
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