Natural Disaster Preparedness for Pets
Where will you be when the next disaster strikes? With hurricanes in the east, earthquakes in the west, and tornados everywhere in between, it's important to have a plan for your family and your pet when disaster strikes. Here are a few things to consider when preparing your pet for the next natural disaster.
Use a Rescue Alert Sticker
Many people use these stickers to alert firefighters of the presence of pets in the home in the event of a fire. However, they can also be useful if your home is affected by a natural disaster. Make sure you list all your pets and your veterinary information and keep it up to date.
ID Your Pets
If you aren't home at the time of a disaster, your pets could get loose and end up lost. If this happens, the individuals who find your pets should be able to identify who they belong to so they can be returned. Making sure your pets are wearing collars with updated identification tags is important. However, sometimes pets may lose their identification tags or collars, making microchipping a more effective method of clearly identifying your pets.
Gather Supplies
Just like you keep a supply of nonperishable food, water, medications, and other supplies for yourself and your family, you need to do the same for your pets. If the supplies you need will be difficult to obtain then your pet's supplies will also be difficult to find, so make sure to have these supplies on-hand and to replace perishable supplies regularly. Your supplies should include:
Ample water for each pet Non-perishable food Any regular medications A First aid kit assembled specifically for pets
Take Your Pet with You
If you are evacuated, you may feel as if you have little time and won't be able to take your pet with you. Whatever you do, do not leave your pet behind. However, it is important to realize that not all evacuation centers will accept your pet. To ensure you will have a safe place for your pet, you need to make a plan. Make a list of hotels within a 50-100 mile radius of your home that allow pets. You may also be able to use a boarding facility or stay with family members who are outside the danger zone with your pet.
Practice Evacuations
While some people travel with their pets often, others only take their pets in the car to visit the vet. If you don't take your pet in the car often, it is important to get him used to traveling so that it isn't too unfamiliar when you must evacuate. Practice getting larger dogs into the car, on a leash, or in a larger kennel. Smaller pets, such as small dogs and cats, should be in a travel carrier. Make sure your animals are used to any restraints you will use to reduce the amount of trauma they will experience.
May animals cannot fend for themselves in the event of a disaster and count on you to take care of them. If your safety is threatened by a natural disaster, you need to be ready to take action quickly to ensure your family, including your pets, is as safe as possible. We hope that these tips from EntirelyPets have helped you form a proper plan for your pets to keep them safe! We here at EntirelyPets are proud benefactors of the National Disaster Search Dog Foundation. If you would like to donate to keep your family safe during the next National Disaster, you can check out their website here.

Many people use these stickers to alert firefighters of the presence of pets in the home in the event of a fire. However, they can also be useful if your home is affected by a natural disaster. Make sure you list all your pets and your veterinary information and keep it up to date.
ID Your Pets
If you aren't home at the time of a disaster, your pets could get loose and end up lost. If this happens, the individuals who find your pets should be able to identify who they belong to so they can be returned. Making sure your pets are wearing collars with updated identification tags is important. However, sometimes pets may lose their identification tags or collars, making microchipping a more effective method of clearly identifying your pets.
Gather Supplies
Just like you keep a supply of nonperishable food, water, medications, and other supplies for yourself and your family, you need to do the same for your pets. If the supplies you need will be difficult to obtain then your pet's supplies will also be difficult to find, so make sure to have these supplies on-hand and to replace perishable supplies regularly. Your supplies should include:
Take Your Pet with You
If you are evacuated, you may feel as if you have little time and won't be able to take your pet with you. Whatever you do, do not leave your pet behind. However, it is important to realize that not all evacuation centers will accept your pet. To ensure you will have a safe place for your pet, you need to make a plan. Make a list of hotels within a 50-100 mile radius of your home that allow pets. You may also be able to use a boarding facility or stay with family members who are outside the danger zone with your pet.
Practice Evacuations
While some people travel with their pets often, others only take their pets in the car to visit the vet. If you don't take your pet in the car often, it is important to get him used to traveling so that it isn't too unfamiliar when you must evacuate. Practice getting larger dogs into the car, on a leash, or in a larger kennel. Smaller pets, such as small dogs and cats, should be in a travel carrier. Make sure your animals are used to any restraints you will use to reduce the amount of trauma they will experience.
May animals cannot fend for themselves in the event of a disaster and count on you to take care of them. If your safety is threatened by a natural disaster, you need to be ready to take action quickly to ensure your family, including your pets, is as safe as possible. We hope that these tips from EntirelyPets have helped you form a proper plan for your pets to keep them safe! We here at EntirelyPets are proud benefactors of the National Disaster Search Dog Foundation. If you would like to donate to keep your family safe during the next National Disaster, you can check out their website here.
When Disaster Strikes: Tips to Keep Your Pets Safe for the Next Natural Disaster.