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Malaseb Shampoo Reviews

The condition of an animal's skin says a lot about their overall health. Skin problems can be an early indicator of other serious health problems or even a catalyst for their inception and proliferation. Whether your dog is suffering from allergies, parasites, infections, or other conditions that may affect their skin health- it's essential that you treat their maladies as soon as possible.

When your pet is suffering from skin that is red, inflamed, dry, patchy, or flaky- it can be indicative of a serious skin condition. After consulting with your veterinarian, you may decide on using a topical solution to treat your pet's symptoms or to remedy the problem by attacking it at its root. This means using an antimicrobial solution to eliminate the bacteria and fungi that cause these nuisances.

Cats, dogs and horses each run into their fair share of skin problems- which can include ringworm infestation, dermatitis, fungal infections, and bacterial infections. One solution to these problems is Malaseb Shampoo. This shampoo works to clean and condition your animal’s coat while simultaneously treating the aforementioned skin conditions at their root with its antimicrobial and antifungal ingredients. Furthermore, its ceramides work to relieve irritation and comfort your pet.

Malaseb is extremely effective at treating these conditions- but don't take our word for it. Instead, check out these product reviews submitted by real customers!

Perbald Mom of Rhode Island gives us a unique look at this shampoo- as she’s only used it on pets without any fur! See how this shampoo has helped her and her hairless Sphynx cats!

"I have 4 hairless Peterbald Sphynx and because of the lack of hair, Sphynx cats have a tendency to become oily. I tried quite a few different shampoos and NONE of them worked. This shampoo was recommended to me by the breeder that I bought my kitties from and from the first bath, I noticed a HUGE difference in the skin of all my cats. From the first bath, I could not believe how much dirt and oil that came off my cats... I didn't even realize they were that dirty as I bath them each week. After 3 washings the dirt/oil/yeast was completely GONE! I HIGHLY recommend this shampoo for anyone that has hairless cats!!! I will never use another!"

Perbald Mom shows that this shampoo has a huge impact on your pet’s skin, which should be reassuring to pet owner’s that can’t typically see their pet’s skin. But for those of us with furrier felines or dogs or horses- we want to know that this shampoo cleans fur as well… So, let’s check out this review from zf!

"This is the best shampoo I have ever purchased for my 12 year old yorkie! It restored the shine and strength in her hair. I love it as it has done wonders for her hair!!"

In addition to keeping your pet’s coat healthy and improving their complexion- this shampoo works as a treatment for pets with ringworm. To attest to its success- let’s look at this review from Audrey30.

"This shampoo really works. We have had several bouts with ringworm using Lym Dip and Terbinefine oral for weeks. We used the Malaseb instead of the Lym Dip along with the Terbinefine and it was more pleasant for us and the cats. We also had two cats with undetermined skin lesions and it has almost cleared up their problems."

It keeps your pet’s coat glamorous and treats almost any skin condition. So what else do you need to know before picking up your bottle of Malaseb Shampoo? Well, if you’re still comparing products then save yourself some time by heeding the words of Pug Nut:

"Best on the market! I'm so glad Malaseb is back! I've tried numerous brands and it does not come close to the results I get with Malaseb. My pug is prone to yeasty, itchy skin due to environmental allergies and this helps him so much to have clearer skin."

So there you have it- not only does this shampoo work well, it works like no other! Malaseb Shampoo is available in 250 ml and 500 ml bottles. Don’t wait until your pet’s skin is suffering- order today!

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