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Say Hello To Lilly, The Dock Diving Lab!

EntirelyPets is proud to announce that we will be sponsoring Lilly in her dock diving competitions this year! Team Lillysauras includes Miss Lilly and her brother Sir Hank. We look forward to sharing updates about these two! Team Lillysauras: Powered by Joint MAX

Febuary 14, 2020
Lilly had a great weekend. Most of her jumps were between 18 feet and 20. She only had one jump over 20 feet. Her longest of the weekend was 20'3". The Colorado Kennel Club event this year was a National Qualifier. Every dog that won their division would earn an invite to the Eukanuba National Championships. Lilly won the senior division and got her invite last night. I was so incredibly proud of her, she gave it her all on every jump!

December 13, 2016
Happy holidays from Llly and Sir Hank! Lilly has earned her intermediate trick dog title and Hank has earned his beginner trick dog title. The two both had a chance to visit Santa recently! Lilly was great with dressing up as an elf, so she took on the name: little Elfador. (Labrador + Elf) Hank's a little worried because he did bark at Santa... he had to be assured that Santa paws would still put presents under the tree for him.

May 16, 2016
Lilly got a chance to get in some dock practice on Saturday, gearing up for next week's first competition. The practice day started out with Lilly working on her run down the dock and jumping to see how far she can jump into the pool. The distance is measured from the end of the dock to where her “tail set” (where her tail meets her body) enters the water. Lilly practiced speed retrieve, where we start at the 20 foot line on the dock and she has to run and jump in and retrieve the bumper hung 38 feet down the pool.

This is a timed event, her best run on Saturday was 6.78 seconds. Lilly also worked on extreme vertical, which is dog high jump where the bumper is hung 8 feet from the end of the dock and starting at 4'6" off the top of the dock then the heights get higher as the competition goes on. Lilly is very fast on the dock so extreme vertical is difficult for her, she can't seem to slow down to pause and get the power she needs.

May 24, 2016
Lilly had an awesome first jump of 21' 11" her second was a 21'6". Every dog gets two jumps per wave or group entered, and then the longest one counts toward their score. She had the 2nd longest jump of the wave. The second wave went very similar, she was out in the 21-22 foot range and was again 2nd in the wave. The first jump of the 3rd wave she ran hard, but came off the dock flat and pretty much nose dived into the pool. I knew then that something was wrong.

A K9 physical therapist was there watching (she has a pool where Lilly learned to jump) and said after the next jump she would look at Lilly, Lilly gave an awesome effort and was again out at 21'6".

Lilly was able to get off the dock, though she had a slight limp to her stride. Her human Susan got her laying down, while the physical therapist worked on her and determined that she had strained a groin muscle. Lilly also had some tightness in her back. Susan didn't want the injury to get worse. Although Lilly had already made finals, she was scratched from the rest of the event. She has started receiving home massage. It looks at this time, like with rest and limited activity she will be fine in 4 to 6 weeks. We are sending Miss Lilly warm wishes!

June 15, 2016
Lilly was cleared by the vet to begin running on the flat this week and is doing great, she is so happy to be playing again! She has enjoyed playing with her new bionic ball! The vet said after running on the flat with no issues, Lilly could try jumping again, so has entered the Oil City DockDogs Event in Casper, Wyoming, June 24-26.

This is a National DockDog Wildcard event, which means dog's can earn their invites to the World Championships at this event, by finishing in the top 3 in finals. They are also giving away a truck if someone breaks a world record, so some of the best dogs in the country are expected to attend. While is is unlikely that coming off an injury, Lilly can earn an invite, she is excited to do her best!

June 30, 2016
Lily had a great weekend at the Oil City DockDog Wildcard event in Casper, Wyoming over the weekend! She didn't jump as big as she normally does, but for just coming off an injury and rehab she did great! And most important, she came away from the weekend pain free. We couldn't be happier.

She competed in both big air and speed retrieve. Dogs jump all weekend to try to qualify for finals, with their best jump counting. There are 4 tiers in a National competition finals. Up to the top 6 dogs in each division then get to jump in finals.

Amateur Up to 12'11"

Contender from 13-17'11"

Semi-Pro from 18-21'11"

Pro over 22 feet

Lilly's best jump of the weekend in qualifying was 21'11." She finished 2nd in Semi Pro finals with a jump of 19' 9."

She made the news and newspaper in Casper too! How exciting!

Her speed retrieve time was also some slower than she normally runs but still a very respectable 7.3 seconds.

When she wasn't on the she was busy making friends with the crowd. The firefighters from Casper fire had a great time hanging out and getting to know Lilly and a friend's dogs. I did have a few people tell me they knew of Entirely Pets and I encouraged them to keep shopping with you.

August 12, 2016
Lilly had a pretty good weekend at Splash Dogs in Colorado! Lilly was sitting in first place going into semi-pro finals with her best jump of the weekend being a 20' 11" jump. Her two jumps in finals didn't go well, she left early on the first jump off the dock and jumped 16' 9" and I messed up the throw on the second one, so we ended up with a 5th place finish.

In each of her splashes she had 3 firsts, 3 2nds, and a 5th. Her jumps ranged from 16'-20' 11". This is still not the distance she normally jumps, but she gave everything she had on every jump. She also competed in Super Retrieve, a speed swimming event, where she finished 3rd in finals with at time of 19.1 seconds. This was her first time ever doing super retrieve, which is more swimming than what she is used to when we compete with the other dock jumping company. I could not have been prouder of her effort.

One really cool thing was that she jumped with a local town's (Ft. Collins) police K9 handler and got a very respectable jump between 17 and 18 feet. Lilly has been handled by many of my friends in the past, but this was her first time jumping for someone she didn't know. She did amazing, held her stay at the back of the dock until she was called, and then blasted down the dock and flew into the pool. Here are a few photos from the event. The first is her best jump of the weekend, and the others are of her jumping with officer Dollar.

We also wanted to congratulate Lilly for her invite to the Splash Dog National Championships in October in Las Vegas.

Check out Lily's Facebook for more photos!

August 27, 2016

We are excited to update everyone on Lilly's event at the Wyoming State Fair this past weekend! Lilly jumped fairly well, still not back to where she was last year, but well within her normal distances between 18-21 feet. (Lilly faced a small setback, but is recovering quickly!)

Her best jump of the weekend was a 19'8" jump. This placed her 6th going into the semi pro finals of big air. She pulled out a great second jump at 19'5" for third place finish in semi pro finals. She also had a time of 7.23 seconds for speed retrieve. She gave it her all throughout the weekend, and came out of it tired, but showing no soreness.

Lilly's human plans to keep up with her supplements and keep up her conditioning to try to get her back to her pre-injury form. At club dockdog events the dogs are generally given some sort of toy if they place in finals, at National events, there are no toys handed out, so Lilly's human has started packing one in her bag to give to her after competitions.
Lilly's mom said she loves throwing her toy fox around the hotel rooms on her trips, until she finally laid down and fell asleep with it between her feet.

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