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How To Vaccinate Your Pet

Why You Should Vaccinate Your Pet
Its Much Less Expensive
You can save a lot of money by vaccinating at home.

Its Easy
While you may feel a little nervous the first time, it gets easier every time you do it. Pets, by the way, feel far less pain then we do from shots. Most vaccines are given under the loose skin on the back of the neck, where their mothers picked them up and carried them when they were babies.

Its Guaranteed Fresh
Because we sell so many, we receive fresh vaccines every week. All of our vaccines are shipped to you with ice packs in an insulated carton and in strict accordance with federal regulations. All vaccines are shipped through FedEX, please select the Vaccine Shipping option when checking out.

Its Less Stressful on Your Pet
The comfortable surroundings of your home are the most natural and relaxed place to vaccinate your pet. And it's convenient to you.

We're Here to Help You
If you ever have any questions about vaccinating your pet and want us to walk you through the procedure, please feel free to call or email us
How to Vaccinate Your Pet
1. Tighten the needle on the syringe and insert it into the liquid vial. Withdraw all the liquid.

2. Inject the liquid into the vial that contains freeze-dried or powdered portion of vaccine.

3. Remove syringe and shake vial for a few seconds to mix well.

4. Insert needle and withdraw entire mixed contents. The vaccine is now ready to give to your pet.

Then inject . . . it's easy!
If your pet is sensitive or hard to handle, ask someone to help hold your pet while you give the vaccine.

Most vaccines may be given just beneath the skin. For dogs, the best and least sensitive area is the loose skin on the back of the neck - where their mothers picked them up and carried them when they were young. Simply lift the skin, insert the needle, pull back slightly on the syringe plunger to be sure the needle is not in a blood vessel (if it is, blood will enter the syringe as you pull back the plunger), and then administer the vaccine. This method is called subcutaneous vaccination (under the skin).

In cats, inject most combination vaccines subcutaneously under the loose skin over one of the shoulders. Feline leukemia (FeLV) vaccines are usually given under the skin on the outside of the left rear leg. Rabies vaccine is generally given by your veterinarian into the right rear leg.

Many vaccines may also be given intramuscularly (into the muscle). However, given the choice, the subcutaneous method described above is the easiest and safest way for you to administer vaccines.
If you choose to vaccinate your own dog or cat, there are a few things you should consider first. Remember, any animal could have an adverse reaction to any vaccine.
Adverse reactions from vaccinations are rare but do happen. The worst case scenario occurs when the dog or cat has what is termed an analphylactic reaction. These hypersensitivity reactions cause a number of physiologic disturbances within the body that result in low blood pressure, slow heart rate and depressed breathing rate.
What are the Symptoms of Anaphylaxis?
The most common symptoms are the sudden onset of diarrhea, vomiting, shock, seizures, coma, and death. The animal's gums will be very pale, and the limbs will feel cold. The heart rate is generally very fast but the pulse is weak. There is usually no facial swelling.
How is Anaphylaxis Treated?
Anaphylaxis is an extreme emergency. If you think your cat is having an anaphylactic reaction, seek emergency veterinary assistance immediately. Epinephrine should be given as soon as possible - we are talking within a few minutes. IV fluids, oxygen, and other medications are given as needed. If you vaccinate your own pets, you should have epinephrine available and know how to use it in case a reaction occurs.

If your pet ever has a reaction to a vaccine, you should immediately report this event to the manufacturer, and to the USDA Center for Veterinary Biologics at (800) 752-6255 or Subsequent vaccinations should be given by your veterinarian.

Use Needles & Syringes Only Once With any vaccine or injectable medication, always use a separate sterile needle and syringe for each injection. Safely dispose of all used syringes and needles.
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