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10 Tips for Housetraining Your New Puppy

So you’ve got yourself a new, four-legged member of the family and for these adorable puppies, the first task at hand is beginning to train them. One of the first challenges many canine companions face is housebreaking them. It almost goes without saying nowadays, but swatting a pup on their nose with a rolled up newspaper or rubbing their nose in “their business” is no way to train an animal.

These outdated methods can have negative effects on future training efforts and could result in behavioral problems. So, let’s get right down to “business,” and look at ten tips we can utilize to get our new youngster in the habit of not going potty in the house:


Speaking of newspapers, rather than spreading them on the floor, not only is this method antiquated, it can also ruin some surfaces and cause health problems from lingering urine and debris. Today’s solution are “Home Protection Dog Pads,” which not only protect from leaks, staining, they absorb odors, dry faster and are much easier to remove and replace.

House Training a Puppy image


Until puppies are weaned, they consume food from their mother and the majority of these puppies urinate and defecate in the same area. Begin the placement of your potty pads in an enclosed space (like a kitchen) where they can perform both of these tasks. Once they’re grown a bit, you can begin making the transition to outdoors.


Not only is it important to take your pup out first thing in the morning and last thing at night, you’ll also want to get them to relieve themselves following meals that are on a set schedule. Once they start eating less as they grow older, their potty schedule will soon follow suit. Take them out about twenty minutes or a half-hour after eating. Again, once they get older, this will likely transition to an hour or two after eating.


Once the outdoor excursions have begun, be sure to take them to the exact same spot every time as their scent will encourage them to use this space repeatedly.


Until your puppy has mastered this process, stick around to make sure they’ve done their business, like in a fenced back yard or outdoor garden area for example. Eventually you’ll be able to simply let them outside for a while and they’re take care of business on their own.


Give them some much needed praise and perhaps a small training treat as a reward for this task being completed. Many pet owners will use a phrase in association with this endeavor like, “do your business,” and these dogs could easily end up “going on command” in the future.

Dog Getting Treat


Eventually, after they’ve been trained on a leash, you can make the association of going outside for a walk with it being time to go potty. They’ll learn to recognize going for a walk and going to the bathroom as a pleasant, regular experience.


During the initial “pad” training stage, watch for signs that your pup is about to let loose. Once they’ve squatted, it’s often already too late. But immediately beforehand, they may start sniffing, circling, pacing, or other indications they need to do their business.


Complete house training could be accomplished in just a few days or it could take several weeks depending on the individual dog. There will likely be some accidents along the way, but don’t punish them too harshly or they may end up associating going to the bathroom as a negative action. Simply tell them no, correct the situation and give them positive praise at the end of the completed process.


If there are ongoing problems with your pet when it comes to this type of training, they could have a medical issue. Anything from a bladder infection to a thyroid condition could be to blame. If you continue to experience difficulties, be sure to take them to the vet for a check up.

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