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Frontline Plus Side Effects

Frontline Plus Side Effects
Frontline Plus is one of the top flea and tick medications because it’s effective, easy-to-use and non-intrusive; however, a small minority of & Frontline users has reported side effects in their pets. It’s always good to be prepared and knowledgeable of all possibilities in order to minimize and prevent unnecessary negative reactions. If the product was used properly, a majority of users that experienced side effects would likely see their problems resolved.


For dogs who have suffered from an excessive concentration of the product due to problems with the application or dosage, there are a variety of side effects that may occur.

Frontline Plus Side Effects:
  • Swelling
  • Itching
  • Irritation (Applicated Area)
  • Excessive Salivation
  • Diarrhea
  • Loss of Appetite
These effects should all subside within 24 hours of applying Frontline Plus; if they persist then you should contact your veterinarian.

When applying Frontline Plus, make sure that you are applying the right formula for your pet. The formula varies not only between cats and dogs but it also varies depending on the weight of your pet. It’s important not to use a stronger formula than appropriate for your pet if you want to ensure they don’t experience negative effects. It’s also important that Frontline Plus is applied correctly.

There are specific instructions for applying Frontline Plus which should be followed exactly to ensure the safety of your pet. If you are uncertain about whether or not you are applying Frontline Plus correctly, you should consult your veterinarian. It is important to apply Frontline Plus correctly, as applying it incorrectly can lead to a variety of problems such as ingestion by self-cleaning dogs or the incorrect dose being absorbed. It’s also important to read the entirety of the label before applying Frontline Plus, as there are a variety of warnings and instructions to keep in mind when handling the applicator.

Is Frontline Plus Right For Your Pet?

Not all pets are the same and some might act adversely in spite of proper dosage and application. As with all medicines, it is possible that your pet will be allergic to one of the ingredients used in Frontline Plus and have an allergic reaction when exposed to the medicine. Though it's extremely unlikely that your dog or cat will be a part of the small minority of pets that are allergic, allergic reactions can be best dealt with if treated immediately. Symptoms of allergic reactions include swelling of the face, lips and tongue; itching and lethargy; uncoordinated movements; and seizure, coma or death.

It’s recommended that Frontline Plus is not used in dogs that are exceptionally young or exceptionally old. Dogs with poor immune systems should also not be given Frontline Plus. Frontline Plus is intended for monthly use, and therefore should not be used more often than once per month. If your dog is healthy and neither exceptionally young nor exceptionally old, then so long as there are no allergies and the correct dose is administered properly, the dog should not experience side effects.

Alternatives to Frontline Plus

If Frontline Plus is not a suitable option for your dog, check out another popular flea medication, such as K9 Advantix II or Advantage.
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