Not less than 5.0 x 103 CFU/g total lactic acid- producing bacteria (Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus casei KE01, Enterococcus faecium). Equivalent to 1.0 x 1066 CFU per scoop.
Zeolite, calcium carbonate, citric acid, benzoic acid, dried Lactobacillus casei KE01 fermentation product, dried Enterococcus faecium fermentation product, dried Lactobacillus plantarum fermentation product, dried Bacillus subtilis fermentation product and silicon dioxide.
Useful Information
For best use, apply FlockLeader Healthy Coopliberally around coop area, nesting boxes, and anywhere chickens travel. For best results, apply product at least once weekly. This product can be used on all poultry species.