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FAQ about Fleas and Ticks

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Which products kill fleas on my pet the fastest?

Applying an insecticide directly to your pet is the quickest and most efficient way to kill fleas. One of the most famous products is Frontline Spray. This kind of spray penetrates to the skin where most of the fleas are found. Once the insecticide comes in direct contact with the fleas, it will only take a few minutes for the fleas to die. Products that are applied to one spot on the coat, such as Advantage for dogs or cats, are also very effective in killing fleas. These products provide long term whole body protection.
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Will the products still work even if my pet gets wet in the rain, or if I shampoo him?

If your pet gets wet in the rain during a short walk, this will not interfere with the effectiveness on any flea control product. The effectiveness of some sprays may be reduced if the pet is washed with a harsh shampoo or detergent soap. The Allergroom Shampoo is proven not to affect the performance of other flea control products such as Frontline and Advantage.
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How often should I shampoo my pet for maximum flea control?

When you first notice your pet has fleas, bathing it with a flea and tick shampoo is the first step towards treating fleas and also for immediate relief. This will kill adult fleas fast, while cleansing the coat and removing flea feces. However, once the lather is rinsed off, it will no longer kill new adult fleas that jump onto your pet. If you are interested in long-term protection, we recommend you use the topicals, such as Frontline for dogs or cats, and Advantage for dogs or cats, or collars. These products provide long term protection against adult fleas that your pet might get. Once you have your pet on one of these products, it is not necessary to shampoo your pet as often as before.
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How long will it take to get a flea problem solved?

Adult fleas are usually killed fairly quickly, while newly developing fleas in the environment surrounding your pet, may delay complete flea control. If you currently have infestations on your pet and in your home, it may take approximately 2 to 3 weeks after the initial application before you see complete flea eradication. You may need to treat your home after 2 weeks, to kill new adult fleas as they emerge from their protective pupal cocoons.
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What should I do if I still see fleas even after I have treated both my pet and home?

Newly developing fleas inside protective pupal cocoons will normally survive the initial home treatment, in search for a new host, like your pet. However, once these fleas are exposed to the active ingredients in the flea control products you have used on your pet and in your home, they will die. Treating your home 2 weeks after the initial treatment with the Household Foggers/Sprays, should kill the remaining adult fleas that have just emerged from the protective cocoons.
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Why wait for 2 weeks before re-treating my home if I am seeing fleas now?

It is very frustrating to see fleas even after you have treated your home. However, re-treating your home immediately will not solve the problem. The best way is to wait a full 2 weeks so that you can target all the newly developing fleas which have just emerged from their protective cocoons. These fleas only come out of their cocoons after 10 to 15 days. Therefore, when you re-treat your home 2 weeks after the initial treatment, you will be able to kill the remaining population and bring your infestation under control.
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How can I prevent fleas from infesting my home if my pet brings them in from outside?

Pets will occasionally pick up fleas during walks and outings. The adult fleas can be killed with topical products such as Frontline for dogs or cats, and Advantage for dogs or cats, or Preventic Collars. However, you may also continue to use products that kill flea eggs and larvae to keep your home from being infested by fleas, such as Frontline Spray or a Household Foggers/Sprays.
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Is it necessary to treat the whole house, even where my pet does not go?

It is always a good idea to treat all the carpeting and upholstery in your home, at least one time, as a prevention. Since the flea eggs are really difficult to see, it is easily spread by your pet, without you noticing. A female flea can lay as many as 40 to 50 eggs daily on your pet. Your pet then transports these eggs and sheds them even by being in a place for a brief moment. The larvae that hatches can travel for several feet into areas your pet may never have actually been to. That is why it is important to treat your home at least once thoroughly.
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Which areas in the home should I treat?

You should target all carpeting, upholstered furniture, pet bedding and cushions, and pet resting areas. Flea eggs that are laid on the pet will drop everywhere the pet goes. It is impossible to notice the flea eggs, or even the newly developing fleas, within the carpeting or on the furniture. The larvae that hatch from eggs prefer dark, hidden areas, which should be a target for flea treatment. This includes under the furniture and in closets. The Household Foggers/Sprays are designed to penetrate to the bottom of carpeting and other hard to reach places.
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What about areas like tile floors or wood? Do they need to be treated?

It is not necessary to treat wood floorings, tiles, or other smooth surfaces, since flea eggs are most probably not able to survive out in the open, where there is a lot of movement involved. Carpeted and upholstered areas are the main areas that should be targeted. However, we do encourage you to clean, and vacuum all floors to remove eggs that may have been shed by your pet. Pay more attention to areas underneath furniture, in closets, or in the garage. Hidden, dark areas that are undisturbed can be a nesting area for fleas. Therefore, make sure when you treat your home, you treat all these targeted areas.
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Do I need to treat beds and matresses with household flea control products?

If your pet is often on or around your bed, this area can be a prime target for flea infestation. You may want to clean all your bedding, including sheets, pillowcases, etc. We do not recommend you using the flea treatment on your bed. You may also vacuum your mattress often to ensure you get rid of those flea eggs! Use the Household Foggers/Sprays to treat areas underneath and behind your bed.
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Should I vacuum after I treat my home?

Thorough vacuuming should be done right before you do any home treatment. This will stimulate the fleas developing in cocoons to emerge onto the carpet so that they can be quickly killed when you treat the carpeting. There should be no problem if you vacuum after treating your home, as long as the product is first left to dry completely. If you still see fleas after the treatment, we encourage you to vacuum your home more frequently, followed by a re-treatment after 2 weeks.
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What should I use to kill ticks on my dog?

Flea/Tick control products such as Frontline for dogs or cats, K9 Advantix II, and Preventic Collars, are effective measures to kill ticks. It may take as long as 1 to 2 days for a tick to drop off your pet, even though it is killed fairly quickly once exposed to the active ingredients in a product. The fastest and probably the most efficient way to kill ticks is to expose them directly to a wet product like the EctoSoote Flea/Tick Shampoo or the Mycodex Shampoo.
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How long will it take to control tick problems once infested in my home?

It may take several weeks before you see significant results once ticks infest a home. You may still see ticks from time to time, even if you are consistently using a tick product on your pet. It is very easy for your pet to pick up ticks indoors, or outdoors. In order to control and prevent infestation of the home, you will need to use tick control products such as Frontline for dogs or cats, K9 Advantix II, and Preventic Collars.
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What areas of my home should I treat for ticks?

You need to be very thorough when treating your home for ticks, since ticks can move around the house easily. We recommend using the different kind of household sprays to target areas under furniture, or in storage areas. These products kill ticks and also mosquitoes. Ticks normally climb vertically, so it is crucial to treat the sides and backs of upholstered furniture. Ticks can often be found on smooth surfaces or walls as well.
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Where does my pet get ticks from?

Ticks can be found in many places, but they can mostly be found in thickly vegetated areas in an outdoor environment, like parks, gardens, or even your very own back yard. You will need to treat your yard periodically with sprays like the Yard Spray Concentrate. They normally are found in vertical surfaces such as fences, gates, tree trunks, or plants. Ticks quickly attach themselves to a pet or even a person who is walking by.
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How can I prevent a serious tick infestation?

It is helpful to use products that will help repel ticks your pet might pick up. Make sure your pet avoids sitting in grassy areas, or wet woody surfaces, to reduce the chances of picking up ticks. In addition, you should check your pet often enough to find and remove any tick that is visible to you. Nevertheless, always keep your yard well mowed and clear of woodpiles, leaves, and other debris to reduce the tick population. Also use the yard sprays frequently to avoid infestation of ticks.
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