EntirelyPets Weekly Recap (June 2-6, 2014)

No Dog Left Behind: Adoption Event Finds Homes for All its Animals (And It’s a Lot!)
According to a Shine Yahoo blog post by Pet360, this past weekend the Arizona Humane Society held a marathon adoption event. The two-day event met astounding success and by the event’s close, the kennels were all but empty. One dog, a 4-year-old Pitbull named Madeline was the only dog out of the 514 animals left without a new home and a caring family.
The marathon event had achieved amazing results, without a doubt- but this likely didn’t bring much comfort to the poor pooch that was left behind. The good news is that this sad situation shifted suddenly, when an Arizona news site, AZFamily, published a story featuring Madeline. Within a matter of hours, a viewer had reached out to give Madeline a permanent home.

Chrome Could Make Race Horse History
This Saturday could mark the date that California Chrome becomes the first Triple Crown winner in over 30 years. After winning the first two titles required for the illustrious Triple Crown- the horse faces one final hurdle- the Belmont Stakes. On June 7, CC will have the race of his life in the final step towards achieving a nearly-unparalleled greatness.
But what makes California Chrome so impressive? Aside from the rarity of winning both the Kentucky Derby and the Preakness Stakes- a variety of additional factors make him the perfect underdog. The SF Chronicle explained in a recent story that, unlike a majority of the competing equines, CC comes from humble beginnings. Bred from inexpensive horses, his mom cost only $8,000- a figure considerably lower than the $4.2 million spent on other top broodmares. Will California Chrome disrupt the world of horse racing forever? Only time can tell.

Dog Marred By Mud Miraculously Survives Slide
This past Saturday, a devastating mudslide hit San Pedro Necta, Guatemala, damaging more than 86 homes. The mud covered a large span of territory and with it, one unfortunate dog. A rescue team excavating the affected area overheard cries from the dog while searching. Upon realizing where the cries where coming from, the crew began digging before eventually unearthing the pooch.
As the lifewithdogs.tv blog reports, that some of the rescuers were concerned that the dog might turn hostile, while others seem assured that the dog would remain calm and welcome the help. It’s unclear if the dog has an owner- but he’s likely been left without a home as a consequence of the catastrophe. Nevertheless, in the video posted of the rescue, he seems happy and safe.

Dakota’s Den Creates Catalog of Poisonous Plants
Pet owners know that dogs and cats sometimes ingest substances without knowing what they are. Most of the time, this results in a stomach ache or some mild discomfort- but sometimes the consequences can be a bit more severe. To help pet owners keep their dogs safe, Caren Gittleman, of the Dakota’s Den blog, has compiled a resource to help dog owners identify plants that pose a potential threat to their pup.
The post includes a list of vegetation, a second list of vegetation and a third list of smaller trees and tougher plants. These lists are then fairly comprehensive when it comes to protecting your pooch- but as for friends of felines, a different list enumerates the plants that are toxic to cats. You can find a link to this post on Dakota’s Den, as well.