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EntirelyPets Weekly Recap

Firefighters Rescue Labrador from Cliff Face

Thanks to a vigilant neighbor and the Mukiteo Fire Department, a three-year-old chocolate Labrador is resting safely at home with his owner this week, after a stressful ordeal was resolved this Monday. The Life With Dogs Blog reported that, Ike the dog went missing from his owner’s home on Sunday night only to be discovered in a precarious predicament Monday morning.

A nearby passerby heard cries from an isolated location Monday morning and when evaluating the situation, discovered that Ike was trapped in a secluded space just over the edge of a cliff. Firefighters were lowered 20 feet down the cliff face to where Ike was located. Ike suffered minor injuries from his initial fall but was mostly unharmed upon his rescue.

Dog Assailant from Hero Cat Video Euthanized

Two weeks ago, we discussed the story of the cat who saved his owner from a sudden dog attack. The video showing the attack and the cat’s valiant response went viral- resulting in the celebration of Tara the cat’s heroism. Tara threw out the first pitch at a minor league baseball game and enjoyed her 15 minutes of fame; however, the dog from the video fared considerably worse.

It was announced this week by the Mercury News that the dog caught on tape was identified and euthanized. The Labrador-Chow Mix was about 8 months of age. Though the dog had an owner, the owner recognized the dog as a danger to others and gave their consent to have the procedure take place. The boy attacked received 10 stitches from his injury- but many who watched the video believe his injuries could have been much more severe had Tara not intervened.

Dogfighting Ring Discovered and Disbanded: 34 Dogs Rescued

The Orlando Sentinel reports that a dog fighting operation has been uncovered and closed down, resulting in over 25 convictions and the rescue of more than 30 dogs. Though the discovery has allowed for the removal of the dogs from the abusive environment, it has yet to put them in a suitable home. Nearby shelters that are trying to lend a helping hand have already over-extended their resources but are working on a solution to the problem.

The shelters hoping to provide a temporary home to the abused dogs intend to free up their resources with an adoption drive. The drive will feature reduced adoption fees for all dogs and cats, costing only a meager $15 to adopt either. It has still yet to be determined whether or not the dogs rescued from the illegal operation are suitable for adoption.

Herman the Cat Reflects on his Time at BlogPaws 2014

Herman and his owner visited the BlogPaws 2014 convention recently, where some of our own mixed and mingled with pet bloggers from all across the country. On their blog, It’s a Wonderpurr Life, the two recount their time spent at the Westin Resort in Las Vegas with a series of captioned photographs and an accompanying narrative.

As it turns out, not everything went smoothly at the conference as Herman struggled with a killer case of constipation. Ailments aside- it appears that the pair had a pretty good time walking about town and exploring the many facets of their hotel area and the events held for bloggers each day. Their account of the conference is hilarious and we recommend you check it out, along with the rest of their blog.

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