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Customer Testimonial
I recently ordered a set of Doggles for my dog, Gunther. He rides my ATV with me on very long rides and his poor eyes were getting infected often. His last trip to the vet and 10 days of eye meds later, I decided he needed protection for them. I purchased a set for him from Entirely Pets and since, he has worn them faithfully on every ride. As soon as I pull them out of the case, he gets springs in his feet, and runs and leaps on the back of my machine. He's not had ONE problem with his eyes and has not had to visit the vet again either. Best $14 I've ever spent. I have enclosed a pic of him so you can see how happy he really is. Please encourage owners who take their dogs in the back of a truck, an atv, etc to please consider protecting their precious eyes in one of your newsletters. I look forward to reading them again.
Cori F. And Gunther sporting his Doggles
Athol, Idaho