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Contech Flour & Pantry Moth Trap

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Contech Flour & Pantry Moth Shelf Trap by. Contech Electronics Inc.Moths can be a problem in kitchens, bakeries and warehouses - anywhere they can lay their eggs in dried foods like grains, cereals, flour, and nuts. But now you can protect your stored food from moths and their destructive larvae with Contech’s Pantry Moth Trap.A natural pheromone-based attractant entices moths to the trap, and a disposable sticky pad ensures they don’t escape. Safe, effective, and 100% pesticide-free. The Pantry Moth Trap is an easy and effective way to protect your food from moths, without harmful sprays or chemicals.The Pantry Moth Trap: Eliminates flour moths, meal moths, almond moths, raisin moths, seed moths and other types of food moths without harmful chemicals — 100% pesticide-free Easy to use and re-use — when the shelf trap is full, simply replace it with a new one Catches four times more moths than comparable traps used by the commercial pest-control industry Non-toxic, safe to use around food and food-preparation areas Uses proven pheromone technology developed by a leading supplier of pest management products for the US Forest Service and US Department of Agriculture

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