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Ace (2/15/10)

Name: Ace
Breed: American Pit Bull Mix
Submitted by: Sharon S.
Location: Ozone Park, NY

Ace was rescued at 3 weeks of age from a man that was trying to sell him as a bait dog in front of a supermarket. Once I overheard this conversation, I just offered him $200 cash for the dog with a little persuasion(a little less money than he wanted) and figured I would find him a home since I was not allowed to have dogs where I lived. At this point in my life, I was having serious medical problems with serious pain, where 27 neurosurgeons/neurologist, 2 orthopedists, 4 pain management specialist, several exploratory surgeries, over 40 different medications and many hard-core pain pills could not cure me or figure out what was wrong with me. Ace was so cute, that I convinced my landlord to let me keep him, especially after telling him the story that he was going to be used as a bait dog and my landlord also knew about my medical condition. To make a very long story short, my pain started to subside. I did not rescue Ace, Ace rescued ME! He was the best thing that ever happened to me. He is the friendliest, most lovable, playful dog I have ever known. He brought me out of a deep depression. I owe him my life. We go to puppy class once a week every week ever since he was 10 weeks old, he is now 6 months old. He LOVES his class, thats where he plays with his friends and learns new tricks.

Ace loves any Plush Toy with a squeaker and enjoys just about anything made by Merrick (Bully Stix, Flossies, Texas Taffy...etc). For likes and dislikes, Ace loves to loves to play tug o war, cuddle(must sleep next to someone), loves kittens and cats, LOVES to play with other dogs more than a steak waved in front of his face, loves every person(even strangers); and HATES dog food and rubber dog toys.

Merrick's Bully Stix Tug Toss Toy Spizzle Treats


As a token of our appreciation, every Pet of the Week Winner will be able to select a prize from these special gift bundles. All winners will automatically be entered in our new Pet of the Year contest for our Grand Prize!
Healthy Hygiene Gift Set Beauty & Grooming Gift Set Green Dog Gift Pack
Cat Pack Gift Set Tasty Dog Treats Gift Set Otis & Claude Gift Set

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