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  5. 5 Signs Your Cat Is Happy

5 Signs Your Cat Is Happy

Don't you want your cat to be happy? Certainly, you do. Virtually all cat lovers wish unbridled bliss for their feline friends. Their happiness is want to make you happy, in turn. Cats, just like humans, have a way of telling you they are happy. They mostly use parts of their body to relay the good news that they are feeling happy. For example, they may hold their tail straight up and quiver; they may hold their ears erect; and they can give you a 'slow blink' greeting to convey the happiness in their hearts. Others will roll on the floor, or smile, or grin. They have very many ways to show they are happy. There are many other signs; however, the following are unmistakable and unequivocal signs that your feline friend is in utmost bliss:

Happy Cats

1. Eyes Dilating or Blinking
A cat's eyes will tell you a lot. They are very expressive. When they dilate, it means the cat is very happy. In a few instances, the dilation of a cat's eyes would indicate arousal. Their eyes can dilate when they see that their food bowl is full. Also, if you stare at the cat and they give you a cute, slow blink, it is a way of telling you that they are happy and content. When a cat's eyes dilate suddenly, that indicates arousal-happiness.

2. Position of the Whiskers and Yawn
You can read a cat's mood by only observing its whiskers. A cat is relaxed when its whiskers are positioned slightly to the left side- which is known as the neutral position. The whiskers perk forward if something in the environment piques the interest of the cat. When they are frightened, the cats pull their whiskers to lie flat on their cheek pads- which makes their face appear less threatening and much smaller. And, a cat shows it is relaxed and content with an open-mouthed yawn. Though, some cats can use an open-mouthed yawn to indicate boredom- just like human beings do. And if they feel very much at peace, they may stick out their tongues as a sign.

Happy Cats

3. Movement and Position of the Ear
It is a sure sign that the feline friend is relaxed and content when its ears are facing forward, but are tilted to the back in a slight angle. It is noteworthy, however, that there are times a cat's ears will swivel to face the source of a sound- which indicates that the cat is alert (and not necessarily happy). Even so, you will know if the swiveling of the ears and the positioning of the ears communicates happiness because when it is only the ears that are moving and not the whole body, then that means the cat is still happy.

If a cat's ears are lowered or flattened, it might be anxious or fearful: something unnerving could be going on in their environment. When it is only one ear that is flattened but the other is perked up, that is an indication that the cat isn't sure of what is happening in its environment, and it isn't sure how best to react yet.

Happy Cats

4. Posture and Tail Position
A cat that sleeps with its paws tucked under is relaxed and happy. It means that they are at home in their environment and they trust whoever is there in their environment with them. If the cat feels a little apprehensive, it will straighten its legs and the hair along the spine will erect- a phenomenon that will make the cat seem larger than it really is. A submissive cat will cower and shrink to the ground so as to appear unthreatening and small.

The tail position can equally convey your cat's moods. Happy cats usually raise their tails straight up in the air with the tip of the tail appearing curled. A frightened cat will have the hair on its tail puff out so that it may appear dominant. A sad and submissive cat will tuck its tail between its legs.

Happy Cats

5. Interest in the Environment
When cats feel comfortable, they take a great interest in their environment. Some cats may be more assertive when exploring their environment by pawing at everything they come across- getting up close and personal without a shred of fear. If a cat is afraid, it will appear timid. Some happy cats may not actually paw at whatever they come across, but may calmly watch and explore their surroundings from a distance and with just their eyes.

My name is Diana Hutchinson. I am the founder of Tinpaw. I have more than 10-years’ experience in nurturing and caring cats. I love them. Since long ago they had been become important members of my family. "A home without a cat is just a house."

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